Dildo Decor at Forbidden Fridays!

Looking for that special piece of decor to complete your naughty room? Drop by Forbidden Fridays at Inner Demons!   This weekend you can get your hands on the previously released Dildo Decor for only 69L. It comes in a variety of 3 different colors and are 4 land impact each. To Inner Demons Want … Continue reading Dildo Decor at Forbidden Fridays!

Self Love Sybian For Forbidden Fridays

Time for another round of Forbidden Fridays and for this round I have created the Self Love Sybian. A must in your self love inventory especially at the 69L price only for duration of the sale! It comes fully animated with solo animations along with an easy toggle on or off sound feature. Its 4 … Continue reading Self Love Sybian For Forbidden Fridays

Kink Or Treat Hunt Oct.

Hello Lovelies ! The Kink or Treat hunt has started and here are my exclusives that are wearable and also decor with 2-3li! The pumpkin gag also comes with a bento animation for easy wearing! and all for the low price of only 10L each The Kink or Treat hunt runs from today 10/1/2019 to … Continue reading Kink Or Treat Hunt Oct.


Hello lovelies! Here is my exclusives for Hentai Horror!!! They come in 3 different versions in Copy/Mod permissions and only 4Li. Be sure to stop by Hentai Horror 10/1/2019 to 10/31/2019 & get the 25% discount price of 149L http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/HILTED/67/220/24 Happy Shopping xo Cala